July is finally here and summer is in full swing. For many, summer means that children are out of school, spending more time at home or engaging in extracurricular activities. While a fun and relaxing summer is important for minor children, unfortunately, minor children can be particularly vulnerable during this time of year.
Accidents can happen at any time, and being prepared is one of the most effective ways to protect your children. To help keep your minor children safe and protected this summer, let us share with you a few key safety considerations.
1. Understand the risks.
If your minor child is attending summer camp this year, it is important to be familiar with the types of activities he or she will be participating in. The summer heat can affect us all, especially young children. Be sure to provide your child with adequate sun protection, such as sunscreen, a cover-up, and a cap if he or she will be spending any time outdoors. Further, it is essential that your child stays hydrated to avoid suffering from dehydration. Purchasing a reusable water bottle and reminding him or her to regularly drink water and stay in the shade when possible are just a couple ways to help avoid this.
2. Be vocal.
You know your child better than anyone else. If your child has certain limitations, it is imperative that you share those with camp counselors or other staff. If your child is participating in water-related activities and is not a strong swimmer, for example, be sure to notify those supervising your child ahead of time. Additionally, make sure that he or she has the appropriate attire and gear to help them, such as floaties.
3. Plan ahead.
You are your child’s best advocate. We encourage you to speak up if you are uncomfortable with a safety practice, or lack thereof, at your child’s camp. It is essential that you trust those who are supervising and caring for your minor children. Do not hesitate to ask the staff about their qualifications, including any safety measures that the camp implements. This will provide you with some peace of mind and will help ensure your child has a fun and safe summer filled with activities.
These are just a few tips to protect your minor children this summer. If this article raises more questions than it answers for you, do not wait to learn more on our website or contact us. We are here for you as resource and look forward to discussing your questions in a meeting with our law firm.